Thursday, March 15, 2012

Walking in the Light on a Saturday Morning

It has been a while since I last blogged.  I am just busier than I ever imagined when I retired from a regular teaching job and yet I am a blessed, happy daughter of God who loves her life.  It might be hard to imagine what I do with my time that makes me feel so happy and fulfilled.  The title of this blog is Walking in the Light because that is what I do.  I simply want to share how it is that a person like me Walks in the Light.
Are your Saturday’s free days for you like they often appear to be for me?  You know, a day to catch up with correcting papers, or when a student, writing papers or maybe catching up on housework, washing, or perhaps resting.  Often they were days of social obligations.  Occasionally that is still the case for me, but let me share a recent Saturday which I did not plan or have anything to do with the planning.  I just the responded to a call to be present and ready.
On Saturday, March 3rd, a Spanish Women's Aglow group had their meeting at Christ Church.  If you are not familiar with Women's Aglow, it is a  charismatic international organization of women who gather one Saturday per month from different denominational churches (not exclusively but mostly charismatic protestant churches) to listen to a Gospel filled message and to praise and sing to the Lord, in addition to lots of prayers.  Women come closer to the Lord at these events and it is indeed a ministry to the needs of women. 
I had previously only attended one such meeting but it was an English Women's Aglow.  I believe this Spanish Aglow is the first one being formed locally or perhaps in California, anyway, my understanding is that in Spanish it is rare.  This was the second one held at Christ Church and I was anxious to attend since I missed the previous one due to a prior commitment.  I heard that in February there had been a wonderful turnout of about 30 and the Holy Spirit really fell in the church and most of the women were really touched and even slain in the Spirit. 
The morning began with a gathering for coffee and delicious pan dulce after which we gathered in the church. 
I was just amazed as women continued to file into the pews.  What beautiful women were gathering, well dressed, bright eyed and ready to meet Jesus.  By the end of the service there had been about 80 women in the church.  80 women singing and praising and praying and ministering to one another. 

There was a long session of glorious worship music and some very intense intercessory prayers for the state of the world and the many nations of the world.
The music group came from a church in Visalia and the speaker was a pastor's wife from the Visalia area.    As I listened to her speak, I was so impressed with her personal testimonial message and how the Lord used it to touch some of the most essential concerns of Hispanic women living in our society.  She admitted that the message she had intended to present was changed by the Holy Spirit once she arrived earlier in the morning.  It was such an anointed message that many women came forward for prayers so that they could also turn over some of those same kinds of concerns to the Lord.  The message centered on the fact that whatever we have lived through in our past or are living through in our present lives, things that can seem overwhelming and painful, that the Lord is there to pick us up and liberate us from the pain and shame of sin and suffering.  And that liberation and grace thereby gives us right and power to be his daughters.  Also that we are being called upon in this age to become his power warriors, alongside our brothers, meaning the men in the church. 

The anointing of this service was so powerful that I know you would not have to understand a word of Spanish to be blessed by its power.    There was one woman who was interceding in the back the whole time until the message was delivered.  She told us that she did not speak Spanish so one lady began to interpret the message for her on the spot.  It was great!
I am attaching a little video I took with my iPhone so you can see the music and the women.  It is not the best because I was stuck in the back row due to my current handicap.  I had foot surgery again and my right foot is in a cast.  But you will get the idea. 

Let me also say, I was so blessed and the Holy Spirit filled me in such a powerful way that I had not felt for a couple of months.  Needless to say, it was a wonderful way to spend a half day on Saturday, full of healing, glowing and basking in the Light of the Lord. 

He also sent me a message, "When your foot is healed you too will dance in the Spirit with me."  What a loving promise, what a joy for me to hear and know.   I know that when we join Him on the heavenly side of the Kingdom, I will be a dancer but to know I will be able to dance on this side of the Kingdom is awesome!   Spanish Women's Aglow will continue to meet here on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM and lasts until about l PM.  It includes a coffee time and ends with lunch!  Join us!

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Magic of Ephemera

I have a new hobby these past few months.  It's an on-line shop on called MarkerMemories.  It all started when we were brainstorming ideas on how to raise funds for our outreach community food distribution project called God's Breadbox.  I wrote about that project a few blogs ago.  The CEO of God's Breadbox had a large number of Rockwell collectable plates and figurines, as well as few other collectable plates that were left after the passing of a family member.  She wanted to donate them for sale to raise funds for God's Breadbox but having no time or patience or knowledge about how to sell them, we decided to let me take on the project.  That is how MarkerMemories was born! 

MarkerMemories is a vintage shop and whenever I sell an item that came from the donations earmarked for God's Breadbox, that  amount goes to God's Breadbox.  Other item's proceeds  will go towards the expense of running the shop, because there are small costs involved or sometime to replenish the shop.  We are not talking big bucks here, but it is a fun hobby and I am learning a lot.  I spend lots of time reserching values on-line in various places so I am becoming more and more computer literate.  I also get a little extra exercise walking around second hand shops and yard sales looking for prospective items to place in the shop.  I have had some good and some poor experiences but it is always fun and a learning experience.  Guess what, it also gives me opportunity to talk to fellow shoppers and staff in the places I visit and let the Lord's light shine around as we talk!  I love talking to people.

Today, I learned the meaning of a word I had seen, one I kind of knew the meaning of, but I had never really checked out the definition which means I would never use the word on my own.  Now I own it.  Ephemera.

The World English Dictionary says in it's second definition of the word Ephemera that it is "something transitory or short-lived." The third definition is directly related to my new use of the word, (functioning as plural) a class of collectable items not originally intended to last for more than a short time, such as tickets, posters, postcards, or labels.

I have drawers and boxes full of potential ephemera but I doubt much of it is worth selling! However, here is a photo of my first listing.

Yes indeed these are those wonderful tickets from the Magic Kingdom of the 1970's.  Two adult ticket books printed in 1975 and one child's book printed in 1978.  I actually think I remember finding these in my father's old desk and at the time I could not throw them away and stuck them in a box.  I started remembering old Disneyland visits, including my very first one when it  opened in Anaheim.  I was about 10 years old.  But I remember it because it was so exciting.  There is a very cool photo of the castle in Fantasey land from the very first year.  It looks exactly as I remember it and that photo could be of our visit, except I don't know the people in it.   You can find it at this link and this blog has lots of other information as well.

The back covers of the child's book, the bottom one in the photo, has Teresa's name written on it.  Teresa is my niece so obviously if it was in Grandpa Felix's desk, it originally had been purchased for her.  Funny thing, only 3 tickets were used from her book.  The two adult books are from an earlier time in the 70's so they were probably not from the same trip. 

So for all of you neat folks that throw everything away once it's usefulness seems past, just know, these ticket books now go for up to around $50.  The ones in from the 60's and 50's even more.  No, I priced them very reasonably. 

I wonder what else I will find in these boxes and drawers?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pictures are Worth Months of Words!

I started this blog before the end of the year and I was feeling like I needed to reconnect with those who have been such good friends and faithful readers of my first few posts.  But once again, I got too busy with all the goings on of the Season.  I do hope you had a very loving and Spirit-filled Christmas and brought in the New Year with gusto! 

Once our Diocesan Convention was over, a new Bishop installed, my trip to Toronto completed, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and the end of 2011, here and gone, I realized there would never be a way to catch up.  So here are a few photos to catch up up! 

Here is a photo of our New Bishop, Rt. Rev. Eric V. Menees and his adorable family, Florence, Sebastian and Milagro.  Surely you can tell which is the bishop! 
November, 2011  Daniel is holding Ella and Elana is holding Rachel. 
Grandma Jeannee is just in the middle of everything where she belongs!
I just love this photo of Baby Princess Rachel and Big Sister Ella reading and learning to love books with their Mommie.  I spent one week in Toronto and had a restful, peaceful, and loving time with my grandchildren and their parents!  I am so proud of all of them.  It is not easy to be Seminarians away from home and poor as church mice!  I believe they often share their quarters with mice, but that is another story!

As you can see, Sara got to visit Toronto shortly after I did and took this terrific photo of Rachel ready for travel out of doors.  My grandchildren just love Auntie Sara because she is so much fun.
Can you see why I think I am a most blessed woman with wonderful children and grandchildren like these?  Each one a pearl, each one a treasure, each one is God's Creation and Blessing. 

Thanksgiving Dinner with the Orr family was wonderful and we had so much to share and be thankful for this year.
Sara and I were so blessed to dine with them in Clovis.  We visited with the "Toronto Markers" on the Video Camara after dinner and it helped make up for missing them.

These are this year's Christ Church Christmas Pagent Performers!  A wonderful and fun
group of kids who told and portrayed the story of Jesus's Birth in Bethlehem. 

The following week, on the Friday before Christmas Day, a wonderful team of volunteers, assisted the Anglican Church Women with the distribution of food baskets and gifts to sixteen families in Lemoore.
As you can see the food was in great quantity and quality.  There were gifts for the children and not pictured here were the bicycles that were given away as well.  Lots and lots of them, donated and refurbished by inmates in Coalinga.  The joy and gratitude on the faces of needy families always brings more blessings and joy to the hearts of the volunteers. 
On Christmas Eve, Sara and I cozied around the fireplace and exchanged gifts, read cards and drank Brandy.  That is a kind of Grandma Marker (this one, not the old one) tradition for Christmas Eve. 

 Phil and I used to share a glass of Drambuie in the old days, but those days are gone.  Wish I had a photo of those days at Christmastime.  But I share this photo with you that my sister recently sent which I believe was taken outside St. James,Cathedral.  Don't we look colorful and joyful?  I see mischief in his eyes!

The week after Christmas is always a little difficult.  I can keep as busy a possible but I can't help but think about how much we miss Phil.  This year Sara and I took off to spend Christmas Day and the following day at the Coast.  We went to San Luis Obispo, spent the night, visited the Mission next Day, then drove to Pismo.  We ate lunch at the Splash Cafe - yes we ate Clam Chowder in a bread bowl - yes it was the greatest I ever ate! 
Although I did have dinner with good friends on Christmas Eve, I went home quite early and fell asleep.   I had been sad the couple of days before but now I awoke refreshed.  I was to preach on January 1, 2012, Feast Day of the Holy Name and was so full of joy because The Lord impressed on me that 2012 is a wonderful year.  I have no major resolutions made other than to be joyful, pray and love those he sends my way and make sure I continue to walk in the light of the Lord.  He  is my king, my savior, my Lord, and my constant companion.  I await the precious day when I will be reunited with all my loved ones and most especially when I will be able to live praising God and in peace and freedom. 

Thank you for stopping in to read this blog today.  I did not even begin to list the things like bible studies, prayer team or intercessory , food distribution with God's Breadbox and many other things that kept us busy this season, but suffice to say, that as in your life, I do keep busy, busier than when I was employed full time.  I have plans for sharing some inspired thoughts or stories with you this year and I plan to include some book reports, this year.   I hope you will come by again! I send you my love and blessings and Feliz Ano Nuevo.